Take your current HTML website
and convert it to WordPress in seconds.
How does it work?
After entering your website URL above you’ll be asked to select the content area and the sidebar location. The content area is where your main posts and pages will go. It’s the main focus of the site.
The sidebar area is unique to WordPress. You’ll be able to set up your sidebar in the dashboard, and it will display on every page and post. In your sidebar, you can put things like links to your recent posts, pages, your recent comments, your Facebook like box, etc.
Once you select that, you download your theme and immediately hit the ground running. The HTML to Wordpress converter takes the HTML, styles, layout and images from your existing website and converts them to awesome WordPress theme online. Your website will look identical to its HTML counterpart, but you’ll have all of the benefits of using WordPress.
(And hey. We even offer free CSS tweaks after you download it. So even if it’s not perfect, that’s fine – one of our professional web designers will tweak it so that you’re in love with it.)
Why would I want to use WordPress?
Good question. There are a couple reasons why almost 100,000,000 (one hundred million) websites are powered by WordPress... and here they are.
So easy your dog could use it
The interface for making a page in WordPress is similar to Microsoft Word. You don’t have to know any advanced HTML. You just type what you want, format it with the easy toolbar and publish it.
Customizable to the letter
Unless you went to school for programming, making your HTML website do anything fancy can be quite the chore. You’ll spend hours trying to figure it out, and at the end you probably won’t even have the result that you want.
WordPress has over 30,000 custom plugins available. These plugins can add or remove anything from your site at the click of a button. If you want to make a customization to your website, there’s probably a WP plugin that already does it. Contact forms and social share buttons are just two plugins that can improve your site tenfold.
Google loves WordPress
Because WordPress sites are so easy to navigate, Google gives them extra love. Start the conversion process now and once you’re done, you might notice increases in your search engine rankings. Plenty of our customers in the past have.
An added layer of security
WordPress has an entire team of elite coders dedicated to the security of it. Set a strong password and you’ll never have to worry about elementary vulnerabilities affecting your website. With almost 100 million websites using WordPress, security of the platform is paramount.
A platform for interaction
WordPress has commenting built in – when you publish an awesome piece of comment and someone likes it, he’ll respond to it through the comment form. Building these comments makes your site very popular and it helps with search engine optimization, too.
Why should I use this tool?
Obviously, we’ve established that WordPress is popular. Because so many people are switching to it, lots of freelance web designers will offer to convert your website from HTML to WordPress for you. The problem with these freelancers it that they’re exorbitantly expensive – most will charge you upwards of $300 for a simple conversion.
We’ve automated the process. This tool does it on autopilot, so you can convert it yourself by just making a few selections.
Oh, and the converter outputs clean, concise code. This code will load quickly in all browsers because it’s based on the most recent web design standards.
What will happen, exactly?
As soon as you scroll up and enter your URL, your website will load within a frame and you’ll have the option to select your content area and your sidebar area. Once you do that, you’ll be able to preview your theme.
If everything looks good, then you’ll have the option to download the theme in .zip format instantly. Then you just upload that .zip file to the “Upload Theme” section of WordPress, and ta-da – you’re ready to start using it.
It’s just that easy.
It’s no wonder why WordPress has exploded in popularity. Publishing new posts and pages is a breeze. Everything is run from a central dashboard, and the community behind it is very friendly to beginners.
The WordPress support forum is one where if you have a question and post it, you will get an answer and a solution. The people behind WordPress are still trying to make it grow and the easiest way to do that is to be helpful to new users.
Plenty of sites still run plain HTML, but they’re fading away quickly in favor of WordPress. There’s just no reason to stick with dinosaur technology when you can get something as cutting edge as WordPress, completely free.
Click here to jump up and start the conversion process. You can upgrade your clunky HTML site in a matter of minutes, and we’ll help you with any modifications that you need.
Focus On Content Creation, Not Coding:

✓ Convert static website to WordPress powered in seconds.
✓ Add a blog to existing website, with same design and layout.
✓ Cut costs and save time on your web projects.
Upgrade your static website to WordPress now